I want to do something that has more impact
Good for you! We will help you figure out your deepest motivations and values to determine the careers and industries where you're most likely to find fulfillment

I don't know what I want from a new job
We will help you identify your deepest motivations and assess your past experiences to clarify the criteria you should be using in your job search

I don't know what else I'd be good at
By helping you identify your natural strengths, we will unveil personalised career options where you can unlock your potential and love what you do

I moved from the world of corporate consulting to find more fulfilling work... Now I use what I've learned to help others to do the same.
Callum, WHYNESS Founder & Coach
How it Works
free consultation
We'll learn about your situation and discuss the options open to you to determine if we can help. If we can't, we will tell you. We're not here to mess you around
share your life stories
You'll have a 2h call with a WHYNESS coach. We will learn about who you are by listening to you talk about meaningful experiences in your life so far
sweet spot analysis
We'll assess what you say and how you say it to identify your career fulfilment sweet spot - the overlap between your core values, your natural strengths, and your unique purpose.
reflect and find a job
You can ask follow up questions and discuss further coaching and job search support. We offer a full money back guarantee if you aren't delighted with our service
If you're not delighted with the outcomes of your Sweet Spot Analysis, get your £400 returned. No questions asked